Sam and Tyler have been enjoying each other's company more and more these days. We spent some time playing upstairs today (something we rarely do) and had a blast finding toys for Tyler to play with and even some that Sam could enjoy as well. It was great to see them interacting together, Tyler really seems to respond to Sam.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sam and Tyler Playing at Home
Sam and Tyler have been enjoying each other's company more and more these days. We spent some time playing upstairs today (something we rarely do) and had a blast finding toys for Tyler to play with and even some that Sam could enjoy as well. It was great to see them interacting together, Tyler really seems to respond to Sam.
Sam and Tyler, 8 months
Here is Sam trying to entertain Tyler despite Tyler doing his own self-entertainment while jumping upstairs. We certainly give Sam a lot of credit, however, as he is usually the main one who can get Tyler to start giggling, very cute!
Happy Belated Birthday, Gema!
Grandpa Reading The Sneetches with Sam
Grandpa got a few moments of down time during this Thanksgiving holiday when he was not in the kitchen cooking away. During one of these rare moments, Sam jumped up next to him and enjoyed his rendition of Dr. Seuss' The Sneetches.
Cooking for Thanksgiving
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sam and Owen Dancing
Here is Sam and his good friend, Owen, dancing at the park. As you can see, they are dressed like twins, totally unplanned, but very cute.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tyler Exercising
Once I realized how much Tyler enjoyed jumping in his exersaucer, I bought him one of those over the door jumpers to see if he would enjoy it as much. As you can see, he LOVES it.
Mike's Iraqi Birthday

Mike finally got our birthday package after 2 1/2 weeks of travelling the world. Sadly, it was about 5 days late for his actual birthday, but he was such a sport, he even tried a piece of the moldy homemade birthday cake. Happy birthday in Iraq, Mike, we hope it is your last birthday spent without us.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tyler Jumping
Here is Tyler jumping in his exersaucer, I think I really need to take him to a trampoline to have him really work up his leg strength. One of these days, I do believe that he is going to catapult himself out of this little yellow confine, LET ME FREE!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tyler Laughing at Silly Sam
Sam seems to have much better luck getting Tyler to laugh than I do. All Sam has to do is look at Tyler or jump anywhere around Tyler, and the laughs start flowing. We had a great time today, just playing around and giggling.
Another Party
Sam went to another birthday party today. The theme was bouncing animals. There were goats, rabbits, a baby pig and some chickens, all in Samantha's backyard. Sam had a great time with his friend, Jacob. He is hoping to have some leftover cake and ice cream tomorrow as he did not have time to eat his today.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Mike!
In honor of Mike's 37 th birthday, we had a little celebration. Sam invited his friend's Anna and Owen over and I invited their mom, Vanessa. After a great round of singing, Sam blew out the candle and the kids enjoyed some gluten-free, dairy-free cookie bars. We thought about Mike a great deal today, and we were able to speak to him over the phone, and Sam was able to sing to him in real time. We hope that he had as much fun celebrating his birthday as we had here in Texas. Happy Birthday Mike!
Tyler Playing Around
Here is Tyler playing outside and enjoying himself. He loves to put everything in his mouth at this point, mmmm.
Tyler Trying Hard Not to Laugh
Tyler and I spent some quality time outside today enjoying the beautiful weather. I tried desperately to make him laugh. He really made me work for it.
Iraqi Sunset
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Spending Time with Martha
I rarely get any pictures of the boys with Martha. So today, in celebration of her birthday, I made it a point to get a shot of everyone together. Martha has been with us for over a year now and we could not survive her in San Antonio without her. She is really such a cornerstone of our family, we are so fortunate to have her.
Blowing Out the Candles
After the singing, Sam and Tyler helped Martha blow out her candles. Sam even attempted a Glazier tradition of trying to smear his name from the cake (thanks for teaching him that, Gema). Sam does not quite realize that it is impolite to stick your hands in another person's cake yet. Perhaps another lesson for Gema...
Happy Birthday Martha!
It is official, Sam can sing "Happy Birthday" in 4 languages! Prior to this particular video, he sang to Martha, "Feliz Compianos Tibya" which is a combination of Spanish and Russian, but once the cameras were rolling, he remembered to say 'to you' in Spanish instead. We had a nice celebration for Martha's birthday. Sam was particularly excited about the cake.
Sam at Sammy's Party
Sam tried desperately to climb up an insurmountable bouncie mountain in socks. After all of the kids tried, the parents got in there to show them how it should be done, but we had more trouble than they had. I even got some rug burns to show for my efforts. What FUN!
Sam Sliding
Sam had a great time at Pump It Up where he celebrated Sammy Woo Bloxberg's 4th birthday party. Sam tried all of the bouncie slides and games and he had a smile on his face the entire time. To be honest though, I think I had more fun than he had.
Now There Were Three
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Mike's First Days in Mosul, Iraq